ZHANG Ting-yu2, LV Di2, ZHAO Peng-jun1,2 |
1. College of Urban and Environmental Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;
2. School of Urban Planning and Design, Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University, Shenzhen 518055, China |
Abstract Metropolitan area is the product of the development of big city. The National Development and Reform Commission pointed out that modern metropolitan area need to be fostered, since the metropolitan area is an important carrier of new urbanization. However, there are disputes about the definition of the spatial extent of metropolitan areas, and the criterion of metropolitan area are not clear. On the basis of combing the concept and connotation of metropolitan area, this paper uses mobile phone data to identify the distribution pattern of metropolitan areas in China from the perspective of the resident travel aspect. It is found that most metropolitan areas in China are still in the developmental stage, 27 metropolitan areas can be identified by using the 1% intercity trip rate as the threshold. The distribution pattern of metropolitan areas is closely related to the economic development, metropolitan areas are more dense in economically developed areas, such as the eastern area and the urban agglomerations, especially the Yangtze River delta and the Pearl River delta where there have formed contiguous or overlapping metropolitan areas. The spatial extent of the metropolitan areas is generally included in the urban agglomerations, but some cities of metropolitan areas in the northwest and southwest are not in the extent of the urban agglomerations, the future urban agglomerations planning may consider to include these cities. This paper also explores the developmental conditions of metropolitan areas, and found that the population size, economic primacy of central cities, and the travel distance affect the space extent and the internal connection of metropolitan areas. The travel size is positively correlated to the population size of the central cities, a central city with sufficient population size is the basis for large-scale travel size of the metropolitan area.
Received: 09 March 2021
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